Sunday, February 20, 2011

week 4: 14th -20th

This week we added the U curve, which starts at the symphysis pubis and ends at the iliac crest into our gesture drawing.  I found it helpful to know that the U curve and the egg are the same width.  At first I was unaware how close the ribcage and the iliac crest are, originally I was drawing them too far apart and I was also drawing my egg too long.  I like when we have in class demonstrations on how to draw what we have just learned.  Otherwise, I wonder if I’m drawing something out of proportion or questioning whether or not it is in the right spot.  I find it harder to draw the centerline on the male model compared to the female model.  On the male the centerline seems straight when there are actually many different angles.  When drawing the centerline on the female the angles seem more obvious.  I also find it easier to understand the body when we take a longer amount of time to draw.  I like when we draw for 20 minutes or more because you can go beyond just drawing the centerline, U curve, and egg.  During the longer drawing sessions you can add in bones like any visible ribs and the sternum.  There are also many muscles that are defined and can be added as well such as the obliques, glutes, and quad muscles.  To make the drawing not seem so flat I also like being able to add in some contour lines to give the body some volume.  I also noticed the different planes of the body during the longer drawing sessions as well.  Adding on the quads this week wasn’t too difficult. However, I’m not sure if I did the weekend assignment correctly.  I left enough room on the posterior side to attach muscles, but I’m not sure how some of them attach with part of the glute muscle there as well.  I might have also made my muscles too bulky and I think that they probably should be closer to the other muscles instead of a gap.                 

1 comment:

  1. I was very iffy about my muscles too for that particular week. For me, I found it was very difficult to draw the egg and the pelvis semi-accurately within the 30 second gestural drawings.
