What I struggled with mostly this week was drawing the entire body in thirty seconds. I have always had trouble with completing the whole figure within the time frame, but as we add learn more about the body its harder to add in certain muscles and bones. Even though the thirty-second gesture drawings don’t have to be very detailed I have trouble drawing simplified lines. Instead of using cross contour for the legs, which is one single line for each leg, I find myself trying to complete the whole leg. I know that this is one of the reasons why the time limit is such a struggle for me. I think I just need to get into the habit of doing gesture drawings by using minimal lines instead of thinking too much about the body and the other bones and muscles I want to add in. I also should start with adding the egg and then the pelvis directly after. The egg, which includes the ribs, usually has a distinct relationship with the pelvis and both can move in so many ways. I have trouble with capturing those angles accurately enough to be able to add in more like the arms, legs, and some other bone and muscle landmarks. One thing I’m glad we were told is how to draw parts of the body form using mainly our shoulders to draw in big sweeping motions creating a drawing that looks more energetic. I’m also glad we were told to draw what is closest to you darker so that there is a sense of depth. This is something that may seem obvious but its easy to forget when your focusing on body forms. In one of my long drawings this week I was really able to practice on foreshadowing. I think that drawing turned out pretty good, but I wish I would of had a little more time so I could really focus on certain muscles and prominent bones to add detail. I’m sure we will be doing more long poses next week, so I can practice up!
I have a hard time trying to get just the egg shape for the rib cage and the pelvis in thirty second drawing, let alone everything else. I feel like I have gotten faster during the semester, but surprisingly not as much as I thought I would. I don't feel that is comes from a lack of practice, since we get plenty of that, but I guess I just need more training.